
The GIft Of Choice!

Made In Melbourne

Official Dealer

Australian Made, Australian Loved.

A pretty simple concept but one that sometimes we take for granted or even forget as much as we hate to admit it. But opening a business and running a business, has opened my eyes even more so to just how important it is and honestly always will be.

For me, it’s all about the people and the product — Australian made is what gives us our jobs, Australian made has allowed me and so many other business owners watch interns turn into superstars, start careers, restart careers and help people onto their feet. Buying Australian helps us, yes, but it also helps so many other people. It helps an creative dream, it helps our social media manager to save to move out of home, it puts money back into the local economy, it’s all a positive domino effect when you buy Australian.

Also like, QUALITY! I cannot emphasis this enough, Australian quality is unmatched, our laws and guidelines make it so that you’re receiving the best product that we can possibly give you and I don’t think I’ve ever bought an Aussie made product that didn’t feel like it was packed to the brim with love and hard work. These are just a few of the numerous reasons to buy Australian, to support all of us, to support dreams and endeavours.

It’s honestly a win-win, can’t lose! So next time you’re in the shops, yes it might be a little more expensive but pick up that Aussie made tin, or shop those Aussie made woodwick candles ( hint hint )

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